Nautique-sponsored professional wakeboarders Shaun Murray, Bob Soven, Raimi Merritt and Emily Durham traveled to Cambodia earlier this month to open the country’s first-ever wakeboarding park.

As part of the Orlando, Florida-based boatbuilder’s Nautique Cares initiative, the group joined the owners of Kam-Air Wake Park, Alf Evans and John Phifer, to use the sport of wakeboarding as a platform for positive social change in the area. Operating with a cable mechanism, the Kam-Air Wake Park is Cambodia’s first and only wakeboarding facility.

With four of the best wakeboarders in the world in attendance, along with over 50 locals, the park celebrated its opening day with an amateur wakeboarding contest and a demo from the pros on the first and only kicker ever built in Cambodia.

“Our Nautique Cares initiatives continue to make a significant impact around the globe,” says Nautique president. Greg Meloon. “We are excited to have had the opportunity to work with Alf and John and support their work at Kam-Air Wake Park to uplift the people of Cambodia. The Nautique team is dedicated to helping those in need, and we are happy to have once again been able to include our world-class professional athletes who offer inspiration to everyone they meet.”

While in Cambodia, the Nautique group also delivered food to 150 needy families working in brick factories, and visited organizations fighting human trafficking.

Nautique, a subsidiary of Correct Craft, continues to expand the Nautique Cares initiatives that it started eight years ago. Nautique employees have served in Salvador, India, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico and the Apache reservation in Arizona.


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